What is the double meaning of THE FIELD?


My YA novel, THE FIELD is really about two fields (actually three, but telling you would be a spoiler and I want to see if anyone even figures it out, Evil laugh.)

The first field is the soccer field ~obvious from the cover. Eric is a soccer goal keeper competing for the starting spot on his high school varsity soccer team. Soccer is like a thread woven through the story, moving the action forward and linking the characters together. The struggle to play and win on the soccer field is a major theme of the book. But it is not the only theme.

The other field is the Universal Energy Field that many scientists believe exists all around us, everwhere in the Universe. What is this Universal Energy Field? I could say that you’ll have to read my novel to find out, but that would be mean. (another evil laugh.) Dr. Auberge, a character in THE FIELD says, “Scientists theorize that there is enough energy in a square inch of space anywhere in the Universe to power all of New York City for a year.” Intrigued? Here are some non-fiction books on the topic that you might find interesting.

The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot

The Field ~The Quest For The Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart

The Intention Experiment – Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World by Lynne McTaggart

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

The Great Field – Soul at Play in a Conscious Universe by John James, PhD

What the BLEEP Do We Know? ~ Feature Film by William Arntz

I will continue to add books to this reading list and post it to the site. I hope you find THE FIELD entertaining, engaging and perhaps even enlightening. There is more to space than space.