We are all Intuitive

I’ve been doing quite a few radio interviews talking about The Field and talking with readers at my Author Events. Of course everyone wants to know what the story is about and where I got my inspiration.

When I tell them that I wanted to show how we are all connected through the Collective Consciousness and that we all have intuitive abilities EVERY SINGLE PERSON shares their own story with me about their personal experiences with intuition and premonitions.

One radio interviewer had a premonition about 9/11. Another one had an intuitive feeling about something that happened to her daughter. A reader shared a story about having a sudden feeling that her daughter needed to slow down or she would get a speeding ticket. When she called her daughter to tell her, it was too late – she’d just gotten a ticket!! A screen writer shared that he is familiar with the Zero Point Field and thinks its the next big topic in Hollywood – can you say movie rights?!?!? 🙂

I believe that we are all connected and intuitive. Do you have stories about your own experiences? I’d love to hear them!

Here’s a link to one of the radio interviews – Red River Radio ‘Tales From the Pages’