Toucan Tuesdays

Indiana Center for The Book

Last summer I was interviewed by Sammy the Toucan for the Indiana State Library’s Indiana Center for the Book. The interview just aired on January 26th so I can share it with you now. After my boyfriend saw it, his comment was “Are you being interviewed by a puppet?” Yes. Yes, I am. 🙂 And Sammy, the puppet that is, asked some great questions! See for yourself.

Check out more videos of me talking about my books, the environment, the Universal Energy Field and writing on my YouTube Channel!

Virtual Author Event News

I’m working on several Virtual Author Events for this spring which I’m REALLY excited about. With the pandemic I haven’t been able to get out and meet with readers in person, so virtual events are the next best thing. I’m partnering with another sci-fi/fantasy author who will interview me and we’ll chat about writing and our books. You’re going to want to sign up!! She’s super cool! Stay-tuned for more details to come.

Writing News – Book III

I’m hard at work on Marcie and Eric’s next adventure. As I’m writing it from both perspectives it’s almost like writing two separate books. So far I’ve written about 170 pages and I think I have 200 more to go. Writing during the time of quarentine went well for me at first and then in the Fall I got sick (not with COVID) and had a little stretch of feeling down and discouraged. I think all of us have phased through that at some point in 2020. Fortunately I was able to pull through and got my mojo back and am back to writing. Excited to see what happens next in the story!! I write with a general outline, but once I get started, the story just flows and ideas percolate, so I never know exactly how things will play out.

How have you been coping this past year? Really looking forward to connecting in person in 2021!

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