“You could be tapping into the Collective Consciousness” ~ Dr. Auberge to Eric in THE FIELD

Eric and Dr. Auberge discuss the Collective Consciousness in The Field.

“It could be instinctive athleticism or that you are subconsciously reading the behavior of the other player, or,” Dr. Auberge pauses for emphasis, “you could be tapping into the Collective Consciousness.”

“What’s that?” I feel like The Twilight Zone theme song should be playing in the background.

“It’s called many things; the Akashic Record, the Universal Field of Consciousness, and by some, God. Many Eastern religions believe that we are all connected to each other and to what you could call God or higher consciousness by our thoughts and that thoughts have power, or even energy. Science is just now recognizing the power of thought. As you said, visualization is used frequently in sports, but there is much more to it than that.” I’m thinking that I am in store for a really out-there conversation with Dr. Auberge, but I’m saved when Renee comes into the kitchen and puts her hand lightly on my shoulder. I didn’t hear her come in so it startles me a little. The conversation with Dr. Auberge was getting pretty intense. At some deep level it resonates with me, but at the same time, thinking that there’s a Universal Field of Consciousness seems straight our of a science fiction movie. It’s hard to believe it could actually be real.


“Just because you can’t see it and don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” ~ Dr. Auberge on The Unified Field in THE FIELD

Dr. Auberge is a nuclear physicists on a two year research stint at the university. He is a guest speaker at Eric’s AP Environmental Science class. Here is is explaining The Universal Energy Field to the class.

“The ‘Zero Point Field‘. It is easiest to think of it in this manner. We know that the air around us is filled with energy waves or forces. Magnetic, sound, light, radio, television, microwave, radiation, et cetera. Most of these waves are outside the realm of human perception. However, we can measure them and we know that animals can hear sounds that are imperceptible to the human ear, and we benefit from the action of these waves when we watch TV, use our cell phones or microwave our dinner.”

Dr. Auberge paces back and forth in front of the room gesturing for emphasis. “Scientists theorize that there is enough energy is a cubic inch of space anywhere in the Universe to power all of New York City for a year.” He stops and looks around the room. Someone coughs and clears his throat.

“What we don’t fully know yet is how to harness these powerful forces as an infinite energy source. That is the focus of my research and experiments for the next two years.”

Dr. Auberge continues. “Think of the implications of a totally clean, infinitely renewable energy source. No more drilling for oil or natural gas or mining for coal. No more burning fossil fuels and the resulting air pollution. No need for nuclear power and radioactive waste.”

“The Universe is essentially a sea of energy. Scientists are calling it ‘Dark Energy’, and while we don’t know exactly what it is, Einstein predicted its existence when he postulated using a ‘cosmological constant’ to explain the expansion of the Universe. We have to set aside what we think we know about the world around us and open our minds to new discoveries. Remember, we once thought the work was flat, and Galileo was thrown into jail for suggesting that the Earth revolved around the Sun. Just because you can see it and you don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it isn’t real.” 

“It’s like knowing without thinking.” ~ Eric Horton from THE FIELD

I thought I would share some quotes from my novel The Field about connecting with the Unified Field and ‘All That Is’. I hope you enjoy them and perhaps they will make you ponder.

This one is when Eric is describing what it feels like when he’s in the soccer goal and he simply knows where the ball is going.

“I don’t want to make too big a deal about it with Will, but sometimes I just get a feeling of knowing. It just flashes into my head. Maybe it’s from years of playing, but when it happens it feels different then reacting on instinct without thinking. It’s like knowing without thinking.” ~ Eric Horton, The Field

Do you have this kind of intuitive knowing or connection? I’d love to hear what it is like for you.


Just Say NO to Fracking – and a word about “Horton Hears a Who”


All of my novels have an environmental theme and in my next novel (over halfway through the first draft!) the Horton family will be opposing Fracking in southern Indiana. My books are my way of taking a stand about the dangers of polluting and exploiting our planet, and hopefully awakening a similar outrage in my readers. All wrapped up in wonderful, exciting story. I believe if all of us make our own waves we create a tidal wave of change.

A side note about the Horton family. While each novel is a stand-alone story, the Horton family is featured in all three. I chose the name ‘Horton’ because of Dr. Suess’s (Dr. Suess is kind of my hero) book Horton Hears a Who. No one believes Horton when he hears the ‘Who’s’ calling out from a dust speck on a dandelion, but Horton perseveres. That book speaks to me on so many levels. First, that another group of beings could exist on a dust speck. I love the image of the Universe being as amazingly small as it is amazingly huge. Second, Horton knows the truth of what he hears and keeps on saying it even in the face of adversity. In the end, the other animals hear the Who’s and they are saved. I can only hope that will be true for humanity as well, and we will realize the truth of climate change and our role in causing it before it’s too late. There’s another Dr. Suess book about this, I’m sure you remember it – The Lorax. Remember what happened after all of the Truffula trees were cut down to make Thneeds? It wasn’t a pretty place.

There’s a lot in the news about the dangers of Fracking (if you’re paying attention) but is hasn’t stopped the energy companies from continuing to Frack or governments from continuing to support it – with some notable exceptions like New York. Even President Obama promotes Natural Gas, which is what is released when gas wells are Fracked, as the new clean energy. It may burn cleaner, but the impact of extracting it is anything but clean.

Fracking, or hydrolic fracturing, is a method of natural gas extraction by injecting millions of gallons of water, sand and proprietary – read unnamed – chemicals, under extremely high pressure, into a well. The pressure fractures the shale and opens fissures allowing natural gas to escape. In 2005, the Bush/Cheney Energy Bill exempted natural gas drilling from the Safe Drinking Water Act, which means the proprietary chemicals used do not need to be disclosed to the public. These chemicals are anything but safe.

Scientists have identified dozens of chemicals, including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene, in Fracking waste water. Chemicals that are known poisons and carcinogens!!! The Fracked wells are up to 8,000 feet deep and between one and eight million gallons of water is used EACH time a well is Fracked. A well can be Fracked up to 18 times.

So why should you care?

1. Only 50% of the water used (including chemicals) is recovered from the wells. That leaves the remaining  50% left behind to contaminate aquifers.

2. The waste water recovered is put into evaporation tanks and the chemicals are evaporated directly into the air, thus contaminating the air we breathe. The water is highly toxic and has to be treated after the chemicals have evaporated.

3. Drinking water wells and rivers and streams around the Fracking site are contaminated with the Methane gas that was released during Fracking. Residents can often light their tap water on fire. It is undrinkable.

4. Fracking, especially horizontal Fracking, creates cracks or fissures in the rock which has been proven to increase seismic activity and earthquakes in the areas surrounding the Fracking sites. Fracking in places where fault lines exist such as California, is reckless and potentially dangerous.

5. During a time of drought in much of the west, using millions of gallons of water to Frack is irresponsible to say the least.

Dr. Suess was writing about our responsibility as caretakers of Earth when I was a child. We’ve yet to heed the warnings. Will you join me in making waves so that we create a Tsunami of change?

My Personal Story about Vaccinations

It occurred to me that I have a story to share that is relevant to the discussions about vaccinations. Back in the ‘80’s when I was a student at Indiana University there was a severe outbreak of the measles. I was one of the people who caught it. We were the ones who, as children, were inoculated with the dead virus instead of the live virus. Our bodies did not manufacture antibodies for the dead virus and so we did not develop a resistance to the disease.

I was lucky.I didn’t have a severe case. I was just really sick and didn’t feel well and had spots everywhere, which wasn’t great for a college junior looking to meet guys! However there were people that I knew of who were deathly ill in the campus infirmary. I don’t think anyone actually did die, but for a while it was touch and go for a few extremely sick students. What did happen to me was that my resistance and immune system were comprised for months afterwards and I caught strep throat and fever blisters and the flu and was sick for most of the spring semester.

The outbreak was a VERY big deal at the time. The national news came to town and wandered around Dunn Meadow on an unusually warm February day that often happens in southern Indiana looking for people to interview who knew something about the outbreak. There were hundreds of students out enjoying the sunshine. Since I’d actually contracted measles, I stepped forward and was interviewed for the national news and seen by friends and family across the country. I’ve always been in favor of vaccines, and this personal experience serves to reinforce my perspective. I know there are many people who are against vaccinations and I respect their opinions even though I don’t know a lot of the reasons behind them.  I share this for information as my own personal experience.

Spirituality is the Solution – What you can do to help the World

Neale Donald Walsh, author of the Conversations with God books has written a new book, God’s Message to the World – You’ve got me All Wrong. In an article he wrote about the book in Watkins MIND BODY SPIRIT magazine he concludes  “What we can’t seem to see, or are simply refusing to admit, is that the problem facing humanity today is not a political problem, it is not an economic problem, and it is not a military problem. The problem facing humanity is a spiritual problem, and it can only be solved by spiritual means.”

But what kind of spiritual means? In my novel, The Field, the main character is connecting to the collective consciousness or The Universal Energy Field, what you might envision as the thought energy of every human being, and possibly every other kind of being, in our world and in the Universe. This energy connects us all to one another and connects us all to God, or The Divine, because it is part of God just as God is part of us and in everything in the Universe.

Lynne McTaggart talked about it in her non-fiction books entitled The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe and The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World. We learned about it in the movie The Secret but the movie didn’t focus strongly on the important element of spirituality.

In essence – our thoughts are powerful when used with a spiritual focus. Studies have proven that prayer can affect the health outcomes of cancer patients. Even if they are prayed for by someone who doesn’t even know them.  In McTaggart’s book The Intention Experiment, she gives multiple examples of situations where thoughts and intentions actually change events and outcomes.

Other studies have shown that our fights against things – the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, the War on Terror, campaigns against bullying – actually cause those problems to increase! As Mother Teresa said “I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.” What you focus on becomes your reality, so we need to focus on what we want, not what we don’t want.

Quantum physics has proven that everything in the Universe is connected at a subatomic level, which means that we are all connected to one another. What physicists can’t explain is how we are connected. It is the Unified Field, the noosphere, the collective consciousness – God- that connects us all. Everyone and everything. Neale Donald Walsh also says “The biggest misunderstanding of all is humanity’s idea that human beings are separate from God.”

So that brings me to what you can do to help change the world. I know that many, many people want to have a positive impact, but feel powerless or don’t know how. You are more powerful than you know. Your thoughts have power when combined with spirituality. Pray for peace. Meditate for wisdom for our leaders. Envision prosperity and universal love. Pray for healing for the Earth. Ask for help from Divine Source in raising your consciousness. Find other spiritual seekers and connect with them. Now is the time. We are awakening. Blessings to you all.

Work in Progress – Aliens and Earth in Crisis

I’m about a quarter of the way through with the very rough draft of my next untitled novel. Titles are really hard and I’m hoping for some inspiration to strike somewhere in the writing process!

As in my other books there is an environmental theme. I’m very concerned about what humans are doing to our planet with pollution, nuclear radiation, fracking, and burning fossil fuels. There is a lot of evidence that what we do harms the planet and I believe that there is a limit to what the Earth can absorb of our throw-away culture. There are better, healthier alternatives to plastic waste, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and fossil fuels. Don’t even get me started on antibacterial soap! Antibiotics are turning up in mountain stream water! We just have to show a commitment on a personal level. What you do does matter. Corporations and governments won’t change of their own volition. They change in response to economic pressures – buying habits of consumers – and public pressure – how we vote. My way of showing my commitment is to include these issues in my books interwoven with stories of normal teens.

In THE FIELD the characters learn about and interact with The Universal Energy Field and the Collective Consciousness. This book will have aliens. Or star-beings, or extra-terrestrials – whatever you want to call them. If you think about the vastness of the Universe – billions of galaxies, billions of stars with billions of planets – I think it is naive, and really arrogant, as well,  to assume that we are the only form of intelligent life out there. Or that we are the most advanced form of life. These other life forms could be so advanced that they could already be here without our knowledge. At least the knowledge of the general population. There are certainly enough UFO sightings by credible sources such as airline pilots and military personnel to make one wonder about it.

A lot of books and movies about aliens have them attacking Earth. Then there are movies such as Interstellar, ET, Contact, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. What if that is the truth? What if star-beings don’t mean to harm us, but want to help us? Are we ready to accept their help?

Here are some sites with more information.

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute – SETI – Carl Sagan Center

Institute of Noetic Sciences – IONS Founded by Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell – Science and Consciousness

LitPick gives THE FIELD 4 Stars and calls it “electrifying”!!

The Field is an electrifying …[and] imaginative book full of action and mystery.  I liked that the author blended a believable story about a regular high school boy with just enough sci-fi to make it enjoyable.  … if you are a soccer fan who also likes a little bit of sci-fi, this book might be for you.” ~ LitPik reviewed by Jotaf aged 13

I love getting reviews from teen readers. Nice to know that he loved the book! Read the full review at LitPick.


Knit One, Purl Two Sweaters

Here’s what my niece and nephew received from me for Christmas! I love making kids sweaters because they go so fast.

Olivia sweater

Here’s almost-four-year-old Olivia’s sweater. And there are my feet in the picture!! 🙂

ben sweater

Six year old Ben’s sweater is a little camo-looking.

Here’s the thing. My niece and nephew live in northern California…I’m just hoping that it gets cold enough for them to wear them. I know I’ve been to the park with them often enough wishing I had mittens. I hope they like them as much as I enjoyed making them! I even bought little labels that say “Hand Knit by Tracy Richardson”. Maybe they’ll save them for their own kids!! Just a thought.

Magic Happens Here!


This is my craft room. I don’t get down here as often as I would like, but it is a very soul-filling space for me,

craft room

Here are the work spaces. I LOVE the color I chose for the walls. My sewing machine is 16 years old. I bought it used for $1000, but it is amazing, Will sew through almost anything and has tons of decorative stitches (most of which I don’t use).


Yarn in all colors left over from other projects. I use them when making applique.

painted desk

My husband’s grandfather’s desk that I refreshed and updated with Chalk paint.


Design and pattern books and rick-rack.


Old buttons that I buy in bulk at antique stores.

I need to get down here and do something creative!! I am always knitting something as I can carry that with me, but other projects require time and space. Maybe I’ll chalk paint another table?!? 🙂